creative schools

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Creating Story Through Place | Creative Schools

In the first part of term, the focus was on observing, exploring and investigating the outside space using our ‘inquisitive explorer superpowers’ – our hands (touch), our eyes (sight), our ears (deep listening) and our hearts (feeling inside) and asking big

An Elemental Adventure | Creative Schools

Together they focused on two of the learning habits, encouraging collaboration and being inquisitive. They targeted three of the elements of the High Functioning Classroom, group approach to tasks, self as a learning resource and continuous reflections.

Blog | Creative Schools

INQuisitive. Persistent. Imaginative. Disciplined. Maths. Hass. CASE STUDIES. SEE ALL. Stay up to date. Subscribe. Join Newsletter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim. Subscribe.

Map , Codes and Treasures | Creative Schools

Before developing our Habits focus, we identified class strengths and areas in need of strengthening with a simple survey: Consequently, our sessions focused on three of the Five Habits: imagination, inquisitiveness and discipline.

Heads Up To The Sky, Imagining Galaxies | Creative Schools

Nine authentic, highly inquisitive, participatory and multisensory sessions were held. All used resources and materials that were readily available or easy to access within the school.

Advocating for the Unknown - Holding Space for the Unexpected Moments of Authentic Learning | Creative Schools

We went out each lesson on inquisitive explorer missions, using our senses to explore all that’s around us.

Expose – Explore - Expand | Creative Schools

They focused on developing students collaborative & inquisitive habits of learning with workshop style sessions, to create a high functioning space.

Pets and Space | Creative Schools

You have to be inquisitive and ask good questions and think of answers.” - Student. Each stage required collaboration through team work and dialogue, discipline and persistence.

Space | Creative Schools

A class of year 2 students alongside a teacher of 30 years’ experience resulted in a realisation that stretching an activity across two sessions allowed time for the students to become inquisitive and questions to grow. It also meant less planning.

Describe Our Character | Creative Schools

I’m inquisitive. I ask loads and loads of questions. It’s fun when you can do things like Creative Schools. Student.