Where Is Maths? January 14, 2021. By. Liz Dare. Anthony De Silva. Share this article: WHERE IS MATHS? Case Study: Term 3. School: Governor Stirling Senior High School. Teacher: Anthony de Silva. Year Group: 7. Creative Practitioner: Liz Dare.…
Term 2 Math: 2d and 3d shapes, directions. Term 3 HASS: history. About our projects: Shape Quest and For the Record. Design a maths-related game of 2D and 3D characters.…
There is a natural connection between rhythm/beat in music and number/counting in maths; and subitising* numbers is a key skill needed for ‘reading’ rhythmic notation. Learning the skills of numbers through music gives counting a purpose and a form.…
Maths/Economics. Cross-curricular Links. Digital Technology. Context. In this project students are designing and building a house to a budget of $1,000,000.…
The bulk of our sessions fell in Term 4 and we based them around a “Museum of Maths” project, where we had the students undertake various creative tasks that revised some of their key maths concepts somewhat by stealth.…
Maths. Hass. CASE STUDIES. SEE ALL. Stay up to date. Subscribe. Join Newsletter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim. Subscribe.…
– Maths, Science, English, Visual Arts and Technologies. Maths. – Measurement, estimation, mirror images, grids and coordinates. Science. – Characteristics of living things.…